Sunday, November 24, 2013

How To Get Rid of Stress

First of all, any foods that probably aren't very healthy for you or are high in fat are probably making you gain a little weight. And guess what? Extra weight = extra stress! No worries though, here are some extremely yummy snacks that are healthy for after school.
• 2 celery sticks cut in half with peanut butter or cream cheese.

• Whole wheat toast with avacado and pepper (it may sound gross but it's soooo good!)

• Cucumber and cream cheese fold-overs. (soooo delish!)

ღ Work on schoolwork for 30 minutes, then take a 10 minute break. Watch tv, check facebook, have some iced tea, anything that will help you feel regenerated to work again! When it's time to work again, listen to some music. Nothing with words tough. A waterfall, or even classical. Just remember, NO WORDS!(:

 ღ Go to sleep early. If you have to, take some medicine that makes you go to sleep. This may not be directed, but take some Benadryl. It makes you drowsy, or sleepy. Or maybe some Melatotnin. That's a natural herb that promotes sleep.

ღ Wake up 5 minutes before or after you're supposed to. Sometimes, it's good to wake up a little bit earlier than you're supossed to to help wake yourself up before you do your hair & makeup. Other times it's good to wake up a little bit later than you should. You deserve it right?

ღ Drink decaffinated tea before bed. It may taste different than regular tea, but that's okay. It helps you relax and cool down from the hectic day you had today and that lies ahead of you tomorrow.

ღ Vent to someone. If you're stress is killing you inside, vent to someone. Don't yell at them or get violent. Just tell them why you are so stressed. If you tell a parent, chances are they can help you calm down and deal.
ღ Take a nap. If you take a quick 15-30 minute nap, it helps clear your mind of everything. Just make sure you don't sleep too long or else you will get that terrible feeling of it being a new day and you won't feel too good.

ღ Take a warm bath. Who said those are for little kids? iCarly made them seem gross but they AREN'T! The hot water kills germs so you aren't actually 'soaking in your own filfth.' The hot bath will clear your mind and you will feel relaxed and unstressed.

ღ Cook. I don't know if this will work, but for me whenever I cook, it gets my mind off of things so I cook a lot when I'm feeling stressed. Hahah

ღ Cry! If you have to, cry! It will help you feel sooo much better and mroe powerful after, and sometimes you just can't hold it in, and that's not your fault. No worries! Go to your room and lock the door then let it all out. If it's at school, go to the bathroom and cry into a tissue so it looks like you're blowing your nose.
ღ If you are stressed about crazy things, tell a doctor. Chances are you could have anxiety. My friend has this last year and had to go to the hospital it got that bad. The doctor can give you medicine to ease your nerves.

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